Contact Me
Find me online
Twitter/X – @PatZMiller
LinkedIn -- Pat Zietlow Miller
Pinterest -- @patzmiller
Instagram -- @patzmill
TikTok -- @patzmill
My agent: Joan Paquette at the Erin Murphy Literary Agency.
Picture Book Builders, a blog I contribute to on the art of picture book making.
School visits and conference speeches and workshops
I love talking to published and aspiring writers about writing and children's book publishing and can speak to a variety of topics in person or virtually.
For more information on having me visit your SCBWI event, writing conference, or children's literature gathering, contact me at
If you're interested in booking me for school visits, contact Ellen Shay at School Visit Dot Connector for details.
If you're looking for other authors who do school visits, picture book writer Kim Norman keeps a state-by-state list on her website. (Go to her page and scroll down while watching the left side of the page.)
Pat proudly supports equity and inclusivity in the world of books and beyond. She is not available for any book events that discriminate against marginalized or underrepresented people, either on the page or off.
Want autographed copies of my books?
You can order autographed copies of any of my books from Mystery to Me Bookstore in Madison, Wisconsin.
Just visit the special orders section of the Mystery to Me website. Enter the name of the book you want and then enter any personalization information (like who you want the book signed to) in the Other Comments or Information section.
You also could call (608-283-9332) or email ( the store to place your order if that's easier for you.
Once you place your order, Mystery to Me will let me know. I'll stop by to sign the book and they will ship it to you. It's easy!
Things I – unfortunately – cannot do
- Read your manuscript. I don’t feel comfortable reading manuscripts by authors not in my critique group. However, there are authors who offer formal critique services. Googling “author critique services” or “manuscript critique services” will give you information. Look into a few options, because quality, fees and services vary. And, make sure to find someone who specializes in children’s books if that’s what you write. Please do not send me unsolicited manuscripts. Due to time constraints and legal concerns, I can neither open them nor critique them.
- Refer you to an editor or agent. Editors and agents all have their own submission guidelines for how they want to receive manuscripts and hear from writers. Your best bet is to read those guidelines on the publisher’s or agent’s website and then follow them to the letter.
- Tell you how to get published. I wish I could. But much of the time I’m still trying to figure it out myself. It sounds trite, but the best thing you can do is write an absolutely amazing story, revise it until every word is as polished and perfect as you can make it and then submit to reputable agents or publishers following the guidelines on their websites exactly. Oh, and join the SCBWI. They have so much information about the publishing process.